February 19, 2014

How to format cells in Excel 2013 based on text content

It is very easy to make cells "pop out" if they need attention. Let's take a simple example where you need to determine whether a alcohol influenced person is below the legal limit or not.

A simple IF-statement can make the text "Can't drive" or "Can drive" in the Conclusion column. However, it would be better if we could make the cells containing "Can't drive" more visible.
Select the cells you want to format and go to the 'Home' tab and on the 'Styles' pane you will find 'Conditional Formatting'. Select 'New Rule...'.
Then you select 'Format only cell that contain'. In this case I chose 'Specific Text' and 'containing'. You can adjust this to suit your case. Click format to change the appearance of the cell.

This is the result.

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